Cincinnati Coffee Festival
Logo Mark + Rebrand
Graphic Design Studio — Summer 2022

Project Details “Without great water you can’t have great coffee.” This is the slogan for Cincinnati’s annual Coffee Festival sponsored by the Ohio River Foundation. Local coffee, tea, and bakery vendors can present their products to gain publicity and sell their merchandise. The money earned from ticket sales goes directly to the Ohio River Foundation to fund their river restoration work. For this event I created multiple branding touchpoints that any attendee would experience before, during, and after the event. Advertising, wayfinding, and recall were my main priorities.

Read more about my touchpoints︎︎︎

Programs & Sources: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma

Research My favorite part of this project was actually attending this event to get a better feel for what the physical space was like, how traffic moved through the space, and of course, trying all the coffee!

The outside of the event space, Cincinnati Music Hall, and the inside space

Me and my research assistant (a.k.a my mom) at the coffee festival with our 9 empty coffee cups

After attending the festival I noticed a few key issues I wanted to address in my rebrand:

  • Lack of a social media presence
  • Generic looking logo, does not communicate the intent or purpose of the event
  • No wayfinding or map of vendors in attendance
  • Only picture opportunities (as seen above) are not ideal for spreading the word about the event

Logo Mark Process

Hand Sketching
Trying to potray the idea of the importance of water to coffee through the logo mark. How can these two ideas: coffee and water, come together cohesively?

Digital sketching

Digital Refinement

Final Black and White Version

Social Media Content

Instagram content generation

Potential Instragram Grid

Motion piece for more engagement
on social media

In context

Hand held schedule + brochure
Front (left) + Back (Right)

Environmental Graphics The wall graphic which shows a blown up map of the event, would be posted on a large wall in the event space so that while customers are at the festival, they can see what other vendors they want to visit.

Hannah LoGalbo ︎ 2023                                            ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎